Yup, we've finished our fourth Festival of Carols rehearsal just this past week, and boy, how the show is coming together! The large group of singers (not certain about this, but it feels like we've got the biggest Festival of Carols group ever this year) is singing so beautifully. Wednesday morning, I awoke with the sounds of ISC still playing in my head. It was fantastic!
A couple highlights thus far: Healy Willan's "The Three Kings" with its jaw-dropping drama and beauty...imagine, a humble new-born baby with the power to compel royalty to remove their shoes and bow down; Jackson Berkey's "Il set Né" (you may remember this from our recording FROM EAST TO WEST)...the familiar French carol over a bolero rhythm is so beguiling; and "A Child of the Snows" by Christina Whitten Thomas...this piece is this year's composition contest winner, and what a piece! So moving and honest. We can't wait to share it with you.

Tom Scurich, baritone
We have a number of special elements in this year's performances: the Indianapolis Chamber Orchestra, the talented singers from our very own Manual High School (Spencer Lloyd, director), TWO world premieres, and other surprises as well. And we're delighted to be joined by an old friend, Tom Schurich, baritone, who will join the Choir and Orchestra for Vaughan Williams's "Fantasia on Christmas Carols." Whether you join us on Friday night at Saint John the Evangelist Catholic Church (downtown, across from the convention center) or on Saturday at Saint Elizabeth Seton Catholic Church (in Carmel, on Haverstick Road), I know you'll love how the ISC sounds in both these superb spaces. Surrounded by friends, family and the beautiful music of the Symphonic Choir, it's sure to be a great way to kick off the holiday season! (Tickets and more info at the Choir's website: www.indychoir.org)
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