1) Our dedicated board didn’t shirk from the challenge of mounting TWO PERFORMANCES of this masterpiece…in Hilbert Circle Theatre…with the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra.
2) This has given nearly 100 of our most dedicated and talented singers the chance to hone their skills far beyond that which any other work may have offered…we will accrue musical benefits from this for a loooong time to come.
3) The board home events—truly fabulous events, intimate, warm, fun, classy…a wonderful way to engage a new cadre of friends to the organization.
4) Our soloists….wow! What a quartet of INCREDIBLE musicians! They were terrific to work with…fun, easy, so professional and musical.
5) Community marketing effort for this event was TOP NOTCH…we had terrific saturation, community-wide event recognition, and we spent our $$ incredibly wisely.
6) THE ISC STAFF IS WORLD CLASS! I can’t imagine any organization anywhere that’s blessed with such talented, dedicated employees. We are incredibly blessed indeed in this regard.
7) Great audiences…quantity AND quality. How about those “War Whoops”(as Michael Davis calls them) for the singers in the choir??!!
8) We showed our collaborating partners, and the community at large, that we are fully capable of bringing works like this to life…with authenticity, and artistic, musical and financial success.
9) We gave life to the voice of Bach for nearly 2,000 people…most of whom heard this piece live for the first time at our performances.
10)Exposed to this incredible repertory, each of us was challenged in ways we could never have anticipated, and rewarded with a surprising abundance of riches we are still discovering on a daily basis.